Stuff a squirrel!
Looking for an extremely unique V-day date experience? This dissection and dinner is an intimate gathering in honor of on the anatomy and physiology of the cardio vascular system but has a distinct culinary aspect to it as well. The lecture portion of the event is about 2 hours and involves the dissection of both a cow heart and pig heart with additional teaching models and an indepth look at the history of cardiac discovery from the Greeks to modern surgery, and the long road to get where we are now. Dinner includes 3 regionally and temporally diverse recipes including poultry, pork, and beef hearts. Sides and dessert will also join the party, while wine will help make the party. (or bring your own preferred libations.) Appetizers served during the dissection as well. Think of this as an excuse to finally play with your food! Couples discounts available.
A beginner's guide to insect preservation and butterfly mounting, with a specimen to take home.
We'll have a booth selling smaller taxidermy gifts and stocking-stuffers!